Roger Penrose | The Next Universe and Before the Big Bang | Nobel Prize in Physics winner

Before our universe’s inception, a previous one may have existed, according to the intriguing hypothesis presented by Roger Penrose, a distinguished theoretical physicist, collaborator with Stephen Hawking, and the 2020 Physics Nobel Laureate. In this perspective, our cosmos’s demise might be the precursor to another. Join him as he articulates his groundbreaking idea and examines the most recent supporting data.

In the visual, a man appears to be presenting or lecturing, with his right hand raised, possibly making a point or explaining a concept. He is dressed in a suit and glasses, and there is text overlaying the image that suggests the content of the talk relates to the concept of an infinite cyclical universe. The setting seems to be a seminar or educational event, and the overall tone of the image conveys a sense of intellectual engagement with the topic at hand.

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