Cell Guru reviews BlackBerry Bold 9900

Holding the title of the thinnest BlackBerry at the time of its release, the Bold 9900 offers an expansive keyboard that enables typing with greater speed and accuracy. This device also marks a first for BlackBerry, as it integrates a physical keyboard on the front with a touchscreen, making it a unique hybrid.

The device in the picture displays a horizontal screen orientation with a graphical user interface showcasing various applications. The screen appears to have a resolution suitable for displaying icons and text clearly. A label “Brand New QNX” is superimposed on the image, suggesting that the device is running on the QNX operating system, which is known for its use in automotive systems and other embedded platforms. The image also includes a reference to NDTV, indicating that the photo might have been taken during a product feature or a review segment by the news outlet. The ambient lighting conditions suggest an indoor setting, possibly during an event or presentation where the device was showcased.

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