Phoenix parents still shaken after cops pull gun on them after 4-year-old allegedly shoplifted

In Phoenix, the city’s mayor along with the police chief are issuing apologies to a family who has initiated a $10 million lawsuit citing civil rights violations following an occurrence captured on a cellphone video. In the footage, police officers can be seen using profanity and brandishing firearms, issuing threats of lethal force while addressing a reported case of shoplifting. This story comes from Jeff Pegues. The full report is available for viewing on “CBS This Morning” at the provided link.

The image displays a snapshot of a tense situation involving law enforcement and civilians: two police officers are shown interacting with a woman who appears to be handcuffed, while another officer is seen holding a child. The woman is turned away from the camera, and the child, whose face is obscured, seems to be caught in a moment of distress. Two other individuals are visible nearby, one of whom is kneeling on the ground, with the focus of their attention directed toward the officers and the handcuffed woman. The CBS logo and the words “CBS THIS MORNING” are seen at the bottom of the image, indicating the source of the news coverage.

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