Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (Official Trailer)

Hosted by Dr. Steven Greer, “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” unveils some of the most provocative and divisive revelations to the public eye. Testimonies from whistleblowers and insights from scholarly authorities provide an intimate encounter with extraterrestrial beings and their communications with humanity. To acquire or rent CE5, follow the links provided at or purchase the DVD at https://sirius-disclosure.myshopify.

The visual presents a man wearing glasses and a blue collared shirt, gesturing with his right hand as though explaining or emphasizing a point. There is an overlay text “DR. STEVEN M. GREER PRESENTS” above him and “CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND” below him in capital letters. In the background, a faint cityscape at night is visible with the silhouette of a classical building resembling the United States Capitol. Additionally, there is a small, luminous object in the sky above the city, which gives the impression of a UFO or other unexplained aerial phenomenon. The composition suggests this is a promotional material for a documentary or film, most likely the official trailer as indicated by the accompanying text.

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