Video apparently shows Baltimore police planting evidence

Recently made public body camera footage seems to capture Baltimore police officers once again involved in the illicit act of fabricating evidence. This latest video, surfacing less than four weeks after a similar incident, depicts the officers apparently planting narcotics in an automobile during a detainment that took place in November, following their observation of an incident they reported as suspicious, possibly involving drug transactions. The report comes from Jeff Pegues.

In the scene, there is a man in professional attire presented mid-speech, with a concerned or serious expression. He is bald and wears a beige suit jacket. The background is nondescript, showing a part of a potted plant to his right, hinting at an indoor setting. Overlay text suggests a context of police misconduct being discussed, questioning if the police have framed someone. The logo “CBS This Morning” can be seen in the upper left corner, indicating the footage is from a television broadcast.

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