Acuerdo entre Peña Nieto y Gordillo: AMLO

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the left-wing presidential candidate, has claimed that there’s an alleged pact between the teachers’ union leader Elba Esther Gordillo and the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which involves endorsing Enrique Peña Nieto in the elections. In return, Peña Nieto is expected to appoint Gordillo as the head of the Education Ministry.

The picture shows a middle-aged man at what appears to be a press conference or a public speaking event. He gestures with his right hand, suggesting he is engaged in delivering a message or making a point. The man has grey hair, is wearing a white shirt, and the setting includes a microphone and a backdrop that features text indicating live media coverage. A graphic overlay mentions an agreement between Peña Nieto and Gordillo, along with the man’s presumed action to entrust the Education Ministry to somebody, which aligns with the narrative mentioned in your rewritten description.

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