Primul film documentar despre Eminescu (2)

Entitled “Eminescu, Veronica, Creanga,” this is the first documentary film about Eminescu, created by Octav Minar in 1914. The film’s existence was identified in the National Film Archive by Ion Rogojanu and Dan Toma Dulciu, with its discovery and national significance highlighted in the finance weekly “Săptămâna Financiară” and other reviews. Displaying a historical portrait, the image presents a woman encased within an oval frame, set against a dark background, evoking a sense of the era from which the documentary originates. Her attire suggests fashion from the late 19th to early 20th century, consisting of a dark blouse or dress with a light, high-collared inset or undergarment, complementing her softly upswept hairstyle, typical of the time period.

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