Mark Kelley on Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) – the fifth estate

Dubbed Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, proponents, self-styled as “health ministers” from across Canada, advocate its usage from British Columbia to Newfoundland. These advocates align with the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, earning a zealous international clientele. The church’s higher-ups tout that their concoction wards off “95% of the world’s diseases,” including severe ailments like HIV/AIDS. A person’s hands are visible as they use a dropper to extract liquid from a small brown bottle, which is being held above a clear glass tumbler. Adjacent to the glass is a plastic bottle with a label partly obscured, and in front of the glass is a small plastic bag with a white, powdered substance. The label on the bag seems to suggest it’s a natural chlorine dioxide mineral supplement. The setting appears to be a casual environment, likely a kitchen or similar setup, suggesting a demonstration of how to use these substances.

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